Results (best 1 of 2)
2wd Buggy
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 JEFF ABLER 9/5:09.800 9/5:09.800 (2) 9/5:16.677 (1) 0 : 9/5:16.677 0 : 9/5:09.800
2 DARRELL SMITH 9/5:28.577 9/5:28.577 (1) 8/5:05.416 (2) 0 : 9/5:28.577 0 : 8/5:05.416
3 KOOL-AID 8/5:21.466 8/5:21.466 (1) 7/5:04.514 (2) 0 : 8/5:21.466 0 : 7/5:04.514
4 CLIFF CORDS 8/5:27.556 8/5:27.556 (2) 7/5:32.975 (1) 0 : 7/5:32.975 0 : 8/5:27.556
5 AYRTON JOERES 8/5:31.619 8/5:31.619 (2) 7/5:10.326 (1) 0 : 7/5:10.326 0 : 8/5:31.619
6 JASON POWERS 7/5:05.814 7/5:05.814 (2) 7/5:30.260 (1) 0 : 7/5:30.260 0 : 7/5:05.814
7 CLINTON HELSEL 7/5:42.059 7/5:42.059 (2) 6/5:13.994 (1) 0 : 6/5:13.994 0 : 7/5:42.059
8 HAILI AUSTIN 7/5:46.676 7/5:46.676 (2) 6/5:02.199 (1) 0 : 6/5:02.199 0 : 7/5:46.676
9 CHARLIE HELSEL 4/5:33.088 4/5:33.088 (2) 4/5:45.643 (1) 0 : 4/5:45.643 0 : 4/5:33.088
2wd Sct
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 DAN PADDOCK 9/5:23.614 9/5:23.614 (2) 8/5:09.243 (1) 0 : 8/5:09.243 0 : 9/5:23.614
2 JOBY KAIMI 9/5:29.481 9/5:29.481 (2) 8/5:03.385 (1) 0 : 8/5:03.385 0 : 9/5:29.481
4wd Buggy
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 JJ 9/5:09.972 9/5:09.972 (2) 9/5:33.136 (1) 0 : 9/5:33.136 0 : 9/5:09.972
2 DAN PADDOCK 9/5:10.513 9/5:10.513 (2) 6/3:32.587 (1) 0 : 6/3:32.587 0 : 9/5:10.513
3 CLIFF CORDS 9/5:18.281 9/5:18.281 (1) 9/5:31.789 (2) 0 : 9/5:18.281 0 : 9/5:31.789
4wd Sct
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 CHURCH BOY 10/5:24.656 10/5:24.656 (2) 9/5:24.704 (1) 0 : 9/5:24.704 0 : 10/5:24.656
2 RICH GONZALES 10/5:37.555 10/5:37.555 (1) 0/0.000 (2) 0 : 10/5:37.555 0 : 0/0.000
3 CLIFF CORDS 9/5:01.671 9/5:01.671 (1) 9/5:35.877 (2) 0 : 9/5:01.671 0 : 9/5:35.877
4 CHRIS SCHUYLER 9/5:03.662 9/5:03.662 (1) 9/5:09.880 (2) 0 : 9/5:03.662 0 : 9/5:09.880
5 CAPTAIN KIRK 9/5:07.170 9/5:07.170 (2) 9/5:11.784 (1) 0 : 9/5:11.784 0 : 9/5:07.170
6 BUTTERFLY 9/5:09.245 9/5:09.245 (1) 9/5:19.130 (2) 0 : 9/5:09.245 0 : 9/5:19.130
7 CARTER IRISH 9/5:13.808 9/5:13.808 (1) 5/2:54.903 (2) 0 : 9/5:13.808 0 : 5/2:54.903
8 EVAN COOK 9/5:13.815 9/5:13.815 (2) 9/5:25.126 (1) 0 : 9/5:25.126 0 : 9/5:13.815
9 THE LAW 9/5:16.866 9/5:16.866 (1) 9/5:26.268 (2) 0 : 9/5:16.866 0 : 9/5:26.268
10 JOBY KAIMI 9/5:19.149 9/5:19.149 (2) 9/5:21.882 (1) 0 : 9/5:21.882 0 : 9/5:19.149
11 BRYAN JOHNSON 9/5:19.603 9/5:19.603 (1) 1/47.875 (2) 0 : 9/5:19.603 0 : 1/47.875
12 TIM CAMPBELL 9/5:28.419 9/5:28.419 (2) 9/5:28.952 (1) 0 : 9/5:28.952 0 : 9/5:28.419
13 RHINO 9/5:33.843 9/5:33.843 (2) 0/0.000 (1) 0 : 0/0.000 0 : 9/5:33.843
14 KEVIN TARCEA 8/5:12.349 8/5:12.349 (2) 8/5:26.590 (1) 0 : 8/5:26.590 0 : 8/5:12.349
15 HAILI AUSTIN 7/5:10.172 7/5:10.172 (1) 7/5:10.441 (2) 0 : 7/5:10.172 0 : 7/5:10.441
16 T BONE 6/4:15.453 6/4:15.453 (1) 5/3:51.606 (2) 0 : 6/4:15.453 0 : 5/3:51.606
4wd Stadium
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 DAN PADDOCK 9/5:11.766 9/5:11.766 (1) 9/5:27.250 (2) 0 : 9/5:11.766 0 : 9/5:27.250
2 TOM COLES 9/5:21.155 9/5:21.155 (2) 9/5:24.900 (1) 0 : 9/5:24.900 0 : 9/5:21.155
3 JJ 9/5:21.266 9/5:21.266 (1) 9/5:27.385 (2) 0 : 9/5:21.266 0 : 9/5:27.385
4 T BONE 8/5:02.204 8/5:02.204 (1) 7/5:03.766 (2) 0 : 8/5:02.204 0 : 7/5:03.766
5 JASON POWERS 6/3:53.857 6/3:53.857 (1) 3/5:33.749 (2) 0 : 6/3:53.857 0 : 3/5:33.749
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 CHRIS SCHUYLER 10/5:35.168 10/5:35.168 (1) 10/5:38.180 (2) 0 : 10/5:35.168 0 : 10/5:38.180
2 NICK MISHLER 9/5:02.636 9/5:02.636 (1) 9/5:09.223 (2) 0 : 9/5:02.636 0 : 9/5:09.223
3 THE LAW 9/5:33.469 9/5:33.469 (2) 8/5:31.290 (1) 0 : 8/5:31.290 0 : 9/5:33.469
4 DAVE DYER 7/5:11.961 7/5:11.961 (2) 2/0.000 (1) 0 : 2/0.000 0 : 7/5:11.961
5 TYLER TELYCEMES 3/3:36.039 3/3:36.039 (2) 0/0.000 (1) 0 : 0/0.000 0 : 3/3:36.039
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 SHAWN BOWEN 10/5:06.160 10/5:06.160 (1) 10/5:27.471 (2) 0 : 10/5:06.160 0 : 10/5:27.471
2 EVAN COOK 10/5:20.633 10/5:20.633 (1) 10/5:22.698 (2) 0 : 10/5:20.633 0 : 10/5:22.698
3 CARTER IRISH 10/5:23.611 10/5:23.611 (2) 10/5:24.336 (1) 0 : 10/5:24.336 0 : 10/5:23.611
4 CHRIS SCHUYLER 10/5:27.321 10/5:27.321 (1) 10/5:36.835 (2) 0 : 10/5:27.321 0 : 10/5:36.835
5 BRYAN JOHNSON 9/5:04.347 9/5:04.347 (1) 9/5:09.539 (2) 0 : 9/5:04.347 0 : 9/5:09.539
6 CAPTAIN KIRK 9/5:11.634 9/5:11.634 (1) 9/5:27.918 (2) 0 : 9/5:11.634 0 : 9/5:27.918
7 GREG SIMPSON 9/5:17.118 9/5:17.118 (2) 9/5:42.462 (1) 0 : 9/5:42.462 0 : 9/5:17.118
8 TOM COLES 9/5:20.146 9/5:20.146 (1) 0/0.000 (2) 0 : 9/5:20.146 0 : 0/0.000
9 THE LAW 9/5:23.406 9/5:23.406 (1) 9/5:30.025 (2) 0 : 9/5:23.406 0 : 9/5:30.025
10 KEVIN TARCEA 8/5:01.624 8/5:01.624 (2) 8/5:04.780 (1) 0 : 8/5:04.780 0 : 8/5:01.624
11 CLINTON HELSEL 8/5:04.118 8/5:04.118 (2) 8/5:09.767 (1) 0 : 8/5:09.767 0 : 8/5:04.118
12 MIKE COOK 8/5:04.328 8/5:04.328 (2) 7/5:03.070 (1) 0 : 7/5:03.070 0 : 8/5:04.328
13 WES MISHLER 8/5:05.157 8/5:05.157 (1) 2/1:06.071 (2) 0 : 8/5:05.157 0 : 2/1:06.071
14 CAMREN HELSEL 6/5:04.646 6/5:04.646 (1) 6/5:19.603 (2) 0 : 6/5:04.646 0 : 6/5:19.603
15 CHARLIE HELSEL 5/5:15.736 5/5:15.736 (2) 5/5:22.419 (1) 0 : 5/5:22.419 0 : 5/5:15.736
16 RHINO 1/34.053 1/34.053 (2) 0/0.000 (1) 0 : 0/0.000 0 : 1/34.053
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 JOBY KAIMI 10/5:12.234 10/5:12.234 (1) 9/5:06.751 (2) 0 : 10/5:12.234 0 : 9/5:06.751
2 CARTER IRISH 10/5:16.482 10/5:16.482 (1) 7/3:39.878 (2) 0 : 10/5:16.482 0 : 7/3:39.878
3 RICH GONZALES 10/5:19.508 10/5:19.508 (2) 3/1:46.388 (1) 0 : 3/1:46.388 0 : 10/5:19.508
4 BUTTERFLY 10/5:19.840 10/5:19.840 (1) 9/5:20.959 (2) 0 : 10/5:19.840 0 : 9/5:20.959
5 CHURCH BOY 10/5:21.593 10/5:21.593 (2) 10/5:29.989 (1) 0 : 10/5:29.989 0 : 10/5:21.593
6 NICK MISHLER 10/5:22.367 10/5:22.367 (1) 10/5:25.003 (2) 0 : 10/5:22.367 0 : 10/5:25.003
7 THE LAW 10/5:30.260 10/5:30.260 (2) 10/5:38.555 (1) 0 : 10/5:38.555 0 : 10/5:30.260
8 WES MISHLER 9/5:00.466 9/5:00.466 (1) 9/5:13.230 (2) 0 : 9/5:00.466 0 : 9/5:13.230
9 JEREMY GORALSKI 9/5:07.084 9/5:07.084 (2) 8/5:26.532 (1) 0 : 8/5:26.532 0 : 9/5:07.084
10 ZACK CORMACK 8/5:06.965 8/5:06.965 (1) 8/5:48.970 (2) 0 : 8/5:06.965 0 : 8/5:48.970
11 CLINTON HELSEL 8/5:15.455 8/5:15.455 (1) 8/5:23.816 (2) 0 : 8/5:15.455 0 : 8/5:23.816
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 EVAN CORDS 7/5:13.484 7/5:13.484 (1) 6/5:15.046 (2) 0 : 7/5:13.484 0 : 6/5:15.046
2 COLLYN CORDS 7/5:23.771 7/5:23.771 (2) 7/5:24.460 (1) 0 : 7/5:24.460 0 : 7/5:23.771
3 MARIO M 6/5:47.732 6/5:47.732 (1) 5/5:50.078 (2) 0 : 6/5:47.732 0 : 5/5:50.078
Stadium Truck
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 JOBY KAIMI 8/5:12.420 8/5:12.420 (2) 8/5:13.346 (1) 0 : 8/5:13.346 0 : 8/5:12.420
2 KOOL-AID 8/5:15.568 8/5:15.568 (2) 8/5:29.866 (1) 0 : 8/5:29.866 0 : 8/5:15.568
3 TIM CAMPBELL 8/5:19.391 8/5:19.391 (2) 8/5:33.570 (1) 0 : 8/5:33.570 0 : 8/5:19.391
4 AYRTON JOERES 8/5:36.573 8/5:36.573 (1) 7/5:02.136 (2) 0 : 8/5:36.573 0 : 7/5:02.136
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